Introducing our new blog series "In the Classroom"

I have a confession:  As a teacher, I often struggled to find fun but meaningful activities to teach my students about Chinese New Year. Usually I would go online and find some "cute" project (often at the last minute) and I never did as much background research as I should.  Since I joined the staff here at SDCHM in September, I have learned A LOT about Chinese history, art, and culture and I wanted to find a way to share this information with my fellow teachers.  My solution? A new blog series titled "In the Classroom." Each Wednesday afternoon through the end of February, we will be posting an activity for you to try in your PS-3 classroom WITH some cultural and historical background information for you to share with your students. Over the next six weeks we'll be covering dragons, fireworks, great books for kids, and the Chinese zodiac.
Here's your first factoid: This year, the new year begins on February 10, but the celebration continues for 15 days. That leaves plenty of time for you to incorporate a couple of our activities into your curriculum!  Carve out some time in your schedule now and stay tuned for more activities.

Do you have a particular topic you wish we would cover?  Post your ideas here or on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!

- Laura Touhey


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